SAROT +filtration+softener+deionizer it allows you to achieve the water quality you need.
More than 99% of wastewater consists of water, with only the remaining portion being made up of pollutants. Pollutants can be present in water in dissolved form or suspended as solid particles. The choice of wastewater treatment method depends on the characteristics of these substances for their removal from water.
Biological treatment removes non-settling colloidal solids and stabilizes organic substances in wastewater.
For industrial wastewater, the treatment of organic and inorganic compounds is essential. Many of these compounds can have a toxic effect on microorganisms, so special pretreatment may be required. Biological treatment systems can be classified in different ways. Depending on the presence of oxygen in the environment, these systems are classified as aerobic (aerobic) and anaerobic. Depending on the condition of the microorganisms used in the system, they can also be classified as suspended and fixed-film (biofilm) processes.