SAROT +filtration+softener+deionizer it allows you to achieve the water quality you need.
Biological Wastewater Treatment Systems
Wastewaters typically consist of more than 99% water, with only the remaining portion being composed of pollutants. These pollutants can be in dissolved form in the water or suspended as solid particles. The choice of treatment method for removing these substances from water depends on their characteristics.
Foseptic Treatment Systems
Biological treatment is used to remove non-settling colloidal solids from wastewater and stabilize organic matter. In domestic wastewater treatment, in addition to organic matter, nutrients such as nitrogen and phosphorus are also removed through biological treatment.
Wastewater containing organic loads can negatively impact the living conditions in receiving environments such as soil, rivers, and seas, disrupting the ecological balance. Therefore, SARBIO systems, designed by our expert engineers, are used to treat domestic wastewater generated at smaller flow rates, reducing it to meet the standards of receiving environments. Easy to install and operate, SARBIO provides cost-effective solutions.