Saka Arıtım primarily operates in Trabzon, where its head office is located, and in the surrounding provinces of Rize, Artvin, Giresun, Ordu, and Samsun. Additionally, through its store in Bayburt, it actively provides services such as exploration, project design, sales, and maintenance for water treatment systems, filtration systems, and reverse osmosis systems in the nearby provinces of Gümüşhane, Erzincan, Erzurum, Ağrı, Iğdır, Kars, and Ardahan.
TS266 Standards - Waters for Human Consumption
1.1.1 Classification
This standard covers two classes of waters: Class 1 – Spring (source) waters. Class 2 – Waters for human consumption other than spring waters.
1.1.2 Types
Class 1 waters are one type. Class 2 waters are of two types:
Type 1 – Treated spring (source) waters,
Type 2 – Drinking and utility waters.
1.2.1 Organoleptik Özellikler
Table 1 - Microbiological Characteristics
1.2.2 Microbiological Characteristics
The microbiological characteristics of the water must comply with Table 1.
1.2.3 Chemical Properties
The chemical properties of the water must comply with Table 2.
1.2.4 Indicator Characteristics
The characteristics to be considered for monitoring the continued compliance of waters that have been previously determined to be in accordance with this standard are as follows.