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SAROT +filtration+softener+deionizer it allows you to achieve the water quality you need.

Filtration Systems

Filtration systems are used to remove insoluble particles of various sizes, suspended solids, from water.


Water is purified from iron and manganese through oxidation/filtration methods using a specially activated mineral for iron and manganese treatment.

This prevents the discoloration and turbidity caused by iron and manganese, as well as the staining of laundry, fabric, and porcelain items. It also prevents the narrowing of the inner walls of water pipes, the growth of iron bacteria in pipes, which can contaminate water, and damage to plumbing components.

With Automatic Iron-Manganese Filters, iron and manganese minerals that pass through the mineral bed at an appropriate filtration rate are oxidized and then precipitated. The iron and manganese minerals that settle between the mineral layers are automatically removed from the system through a backwashing process without human intervention



Commercial Systems

Factories, hotels, schools, hospitals, dormitories, etc., with hourly water consumption of less than 5m³, are designed as low-cost systems.

  • Filter tanks with an interior of polyethylene, an exterior of fiberglass-wound coil, test pressure 10 bar, operating pressure 6 bar
  • Valves with spherical valves
  • Backwashing with clean water*
  • Backwashing with raw water
  • Programmable automatic backwash
  • Backwash at a desired time of the day*
  • No-bypass during backwash (cutting off water in the line)
  • Yes-bypass during backwash (not cutting off water in the line)*
  • Backwash based on differential pressure*
  • Aeration with a blower*

Industrial Systems

Systems designed for factories, social facilities, rural settlement areas, neighborhoods, towns, etc., with an hourly water consumption between 5 – 20 m³.

  • Filter tanks with an interior of polyethylene, an exterior of fiberglass-wound coil, test pressure 10 bar, operating pressure 6 bar
  • Valves with spherical valves
  • Octopus diffusers in the lower distribution structure
  • Backwashing with clean water*
  • Backwashing with raw water
  • Programmable automatic backwash
  • Backwash at a desired time of the day*
  • No-bypass during backwash (cutting off water in the line)
  • Yes-bypass during backwash (not cutting off water in the line)*
  • Backwash based on differential pressure
  • Aeration with a blower*

Mass Systems

Systems specially designed for factories with an hourly water consumption of 20 m³ and above, as well as city/town municipalities’ urban network waters, etc.

    • ST37 carbon steel filter tanks with internal/external epoxy coating, operating pressure 10 bar, design pressure 6 bar
    • Low maintenance costs with spherical valves instead of piston valves
    • Mushroom diffusers on top of the mirror in the lower distribution structure
    • Filling and emptying manholes
    • Backwashing with clean water
    • Backwashing with raw water
    • Programmable automatic backwash
    • Backwash at a desired time of the day*
    • No-bypass during backwash (cutting off water in the line)
    • Yes-bypass during backwash (not cutting off water in the line)
    • Backwash based on differential pressure
    • Aeration with a blower
    • Touch screen and remote controlled automation
    • Can be remotely monitored and intervened in the facility, data transferable to SCADA.

Features marked with (*) can be added to the system design according to need or preference.

Valve Filter Systems
Product Code Tank Flow Rate 15m/h Flow Rate 20m/h Antrasit (lt) Quartz (kg)
SRV-KF-817 8×17 0,5 0,65 2 6
SRV-KF-835 8×35 0,5 0,65 7 14
SRV-KF-1035 10×35 0,75 1 10 23
SRV-KF-1054 10×54 0,75 1 15 38
SRV-KF-1252 12×52 1 1,5 20 40
SRV-KF-1354 13×54 1,3 1,7 25 50
SRV-KF-1465 14×65 1,5 2 35 70
SRV-KF-1665 16×65 2 2,6 50 100
SRV-KF-1865 18×65 2,5 3,3 75 115
SRV-KF-2162 21×62 3,3 4,5 85 175
SRV-KF-2472 24×72 4,4 5,8 100 225
Valve Filter Systems
Product Code Tank Flow Rate 15m/h Flow Rate 20m/h Antrasit (lt) Quartz (kg)
SRV-KF-1865 18×65 2,5 3,3 75 115
SRV-KF-2162 21×62 3,3 4,5 85 175
SRV-KF-2472 24×72 4,4 5,8 100 225
SRV-KF-3072 30×72 6,8 9 125 475
SRV-KF-3672 36×72 10 13 175 650
SRV-KF-4272 42×72 13,4 18 200 775
Surface Piping Filter Systems
Product Code Tank Flow Rate 20m/h Flow Rate 30m/h Antrasit (lt) Quartz (kg)
SRY-KF-3072 30×72 9 14 125 475
SRY-KF-3672 36×72 13 24 175 650
SRY-KF-4294 42×94 18 27 200 775
SRY-KF-4894 48×94 23 35 300 1125
SRY-KF-6394 63×94 40 60 550 2025
SRY-KÇ-48100 48×100 25 37 350 1375
SRY-KÇ-63118 63×118 40 60 600 2375
SRY-KÇ-78128 78×128 63 94 800 3150
SRY-KÇ-94134 94×134 91 136 1150 4525